Yeah, so this is Flavie, sorry for the total lack of updating, but with laziness and school starting and the like it just hasn't happened. But yeah, you should yell at me and my excessive laziness by IMing me. Yell at me to study too, also yell at Sarah to study, cause we're both lazy and don't study blah blah etc.
So...questions? Comments? You can email me if you really want, or just IM me and be stalkerlike and scary so I can be like, "whoa, I have fans! Oh wait, no, that was just someone looking to cyber. Never mind." I hate the internet. That's why I spend so much time there!
Okay, I'm not making any sense anymore. Welcome to my brain. Enjoy.
Special thanks go to my lovely, self-proclaimed "html whore," Flavie, for everything, including but not limited to this website.
Its a Dykes Life is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.